I downloaded this app when my son was 2 and when he was a few months from 3yrs old he discovered it on my phone. This past December he completed the Toddler level using it a few minutes here and there several times a day. He wont be 4 until September but he knows more than the basic colors and shapes, he can count to 12 and recognizes numbers 1-10. He can add and subtract 0-9. He knows his alphabet and recognizes many letters and can write a few of them. Yesterday, he held up five fingers and told me, "This is five" I held held up 6 fingers asking how many that was and he said. "5 and 1 is 6".
This app is not the only educational exposure he gets but even when all he wants to do is watch his teen brothers play Halo all I have to do is open the app near him and he just starts doing it. The reward pets are fantastic as he adores his virtual fish. This app is, however, entirely responsible for his understanding of the fact money is earned and things we need (like food for his virtual fish) are purchased with a specific amount of money. Great investment!
AppleProMom about ABCmouse: Reading & Math Games, v5.5